[Travel] Kerala, Kathakali, the Vivid Metamorphosis of a Colorful Story

The transformation from actor to character, from man to a god. Kathakali is one of the oldest performance art exists today from the Sanskrit philosophy to the India mythology, told orally and through emotional movement in body language, mudra (hand sign) and navarasas (expression).

[Travel] Yanshuo, Impression of Sanjie Liu

The Impression of Sanji Liu boast one of the largest most beautiful open stage using nature as its backdrop with dancing and singing and the impression of the life and living from the ethnic groups of Zhuang, Yao, Dong and Miao.

[Travel] Lijiang: Impression of Lijiang

The Impression of Lijiang is an outdoor folk musical stage play about the people of Naxi (纳西族), Yi (彝族) and Bai (白族), the minority ethnic group in the Yunnan Province. They dance, they sing and ride horse with the backdrop of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.